Vendigard Fire Equipment Inc.
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Ph: 563-529-4485
email dave@venfire.com.

Clean Agent Fire Protection
Ansul Sapphire Fire Suppression System
Using water as a fire suppressant in areas where electronics operate and irreplaceable, high-value assets are stored, could be as devastating as fire itself. The SAPPHIRE Clean Agent System quickly suppresses fires and protects sensitive equipment without causing harm to people or the environment. The system is especially suited to suppress fires in areas where an electrically non-conductive medium is required, where electronic systems cannot be shut down in an emergency, where cleanup of other agents poses a problem, and in normally occupied areas that demand a non-toxic agent.
The SAPPHIRE system uses 3M Novec 1230 fire protection fluid for total flooding applications. The clear, colorless agent has zero ozone depletion potential, an atmospheric lifetime of just five days, and a global warming potential of 1.0. The SAPPHIRE system suppresses a fire before it can be fully engaged and once the fire is suppressed, Novec 1230 quickly evaporates without harming any valuable assets.
The fluid can be used in total flooding fire suppression applications such as:
Data processing centers
Tape storage vaults
Occupied or unoccupied electronic areas with very sensitive or irreplaceable equipment
Telecommunications including cellular sites and switching centers
Military systems including combat vehicles and marine engine rooms
Transportation including merchant marine vessels and mass transit vehicles
Recreation including pleasure craft and race cars
Additional system features:
Effective on Class A, B and C fires
Long-term, sustainable alternative to Halon, HFCs, and PFCs
UL/ULC listed and approved
FM Approved

Ansul Inergen Fire Suppression System
The INERGEN Fire Suppression System protects enclosed areas where people may be present, fire may strike day or night, and damage from conventional agents cannot be tolerated. Upon discharge, INERGEN agent fills the room, mixing with the air to suppress fires quickly and effectively. Safe for people, INERGEN agent is non-synthetic and made of naturally occurring gases: nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide. Once discharged, it returns to the atmosphere in its natural state.
INERGEN agent is free of residues and corrosive by-products that may produce further property damage. And because it poses no ozone depleting or global warming threat,INERGEN agent will never be subject to future legislative bans.
Applications that benefit from INERGEN Fire Suppression Systems:
Automated tape storage libraries
Computer and data processing facilities
Cultural and historical sites
Hospital and major medical facilities
Museums and art galleries
Power generation facilities
Telecommunication facilities

Ansul FM200Fire Suppression System
Those responsible for managing and protecting high-value assets, processes, and facilities demand the quality fire suppression offered by the ANSUL® FM-200™ Clean Agent Fire Suppression System. FM-200 systems are internationally accepted as providing reliable, effective, affordable fire protection solutions for applications found in telecommunication sites, data centers and archives, museums, oil and gas facilities, power plants, and more.
The ANSUL FM-200 Clean Agent Fire Suppression System is approved by Factory Mutual (FM) and listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for Class A, B and C fires. Safe for use in occupied areas at the design concentration, the system helps protect critical infrastructure and delivers effective asset protection.
The system uses FM-200 (HFC-227ea) fire extinguishant which has zero ozone depletion (ODP). This colorless, odorless agent vaporizes upon discharge and absorbs heat to rapidly suppress fire while leaving no residue to clean up. It is electrically nonconductive, will not short-out electronic equipment or thermally shock delicate circuitry resulting in less damage to critical equipment, facilitating a much shorter recovery time and reducing downtime.

Ansul High Pressure Carbon Dioxide System
Carbon dioxide suppresses fire without leaving behind any residues after discharge thus avoiding damage to sensitive equipment. With no agent clean up, there is less downtime after an incident. When properly designed, the carbon dioxide system will suppress fire in Class A, B, and C hazards by displacing the air containing oxygen that supports combustion. Typical hazards protected by carbon dioxide systems include printing presses, vaults, open pits, dip tanks, spray booths, ovens, engine rooms, coating machines, process equipment, hoods and ducts, flammable gas or liquid storage areas, and generators.
The High Pressure Carbon Dioxide System is especially effective for non-occupied hazards. Personnel occupying areas protected by carbon dioxide systems must be evacuated prior to system discharge. Therefore, discharge time delays and alarms are mandatory for occupied hazards. Whatever the application, from cylinder to nozzle, each system can be custom-designed for specific fire hazards. High pressure systems use individual storage cylinders—from 35 lb. (16 kg) to 120 lb. (54 kg) capacity each—that can be manifolded together for rapid simultaneous discharge. Cylinder valves can be opened automatically or manually and either locally or remotely using electric, pneumatic or mechanical valve actuators.
Fike FK-5-1-12

FK‐5‐1‐12 is a colorless, clear liquid (see Physical Properties Table for additional information). It is stored as a liquid and dispensed into the hazard as an electrically non‐conductive gaseous vapor that is clear and does not obscure vision. It leaves no residue and has acceptable toxicity for use in occupied spaces at design concentration.
Extinguishing Method
FK‐5‐1‐12 extinguishes a fire by heat absorption. The gaseous mixture created when FK‐5‐1‐12 discharges into air has a much higher heat capacity than air alone. The gaseous mixture absorbs large amounts of heat due to the high heat capacity and extinguishes fires by sufficiently cooling the combustion zone. It is important to note
FK‐5‐1‐12 does not use the depletion or displacement of oxygen to extinguish a fire and therefore is safe for use in occupied spaces.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Factory Mutual (FM) United States EPA Significant New Alternative Policy (SNAP report
Fire Trace Fire Suppression System
Firetrace manufactures reliable, cost-effective, automatic fire detection and suppression systems that can be installed in virtually any “micro-environment” or small enclosed space where critical assets are located or where an increased risk of fire could be mitigated by an automatic fire suppression system. Firetrace systems are completely self-contained, require no electrical power, and are easy to install and maintain – think of them as automatic fire extinguishers. Firetrace advanced fire protection systems are compatible with most commercially available fire-suppressing clean agents, foams, and dry chemicals and are the only systems of their type to carry major listings and approvals from UL, ULC, CE, FM, and more than 20 other international agencies.

Ansul Autopulse Detection and Control
AUTOPULSE detection, control and fire suppression system releasing panels provide automatic 24/7 fire protection. Agent Releasing Control Panels are designed with modularity and easy system planning. The panels can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications or for a large campus or high-rise application. Peripheral equipment can be added to suit the application
The AutoPulse IQ-318 can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications or for a large campus or high-rise application. The panel and associated devices provide the benefit of addressable devices for agent releasing control, connecting up to 318 addressable devices to the panel. Peripheral equipment can be added to suit the application.
AUTOPULSE detection, control and fire suppression system release panels provide automatic 24/7 fire protection. Detection options include smoke, heat and flame detection. The control panels process detection signals from protected areas and immediately perform key operations including sounding alarms, shutting down equipment and releasing the fire suppression system.
Accessories include smoke/heat/flame detectors, manual pull stations, horns, strobes, bells, abort switches, maintenance switches, and more.
The AUTOPULSE Z-10 Suppression Release Panel provides conventional fire alarm control circuits and is equipped with the features required for a wide variety of single or dual hazard suppression release applications. Capabilities include automatic extinguishing agent release, and deluge and pre-action sprinkler control.
The 542DC and 542DE and the 542RC and 542RE panels are compatible with System Sensor’s i3 detectors, conventional smoke detectors that can transmit a maintenance trouble signal to the panel indicating the need for cleaning and a supervisory ‘freeze’ signal when the ambient temperature falls below the detector rating of approximately 45 °F (7 °C). In addition, they are compatible with various conventional input devices.
The AUTOPULSE 542D(C) and 542D(E) are six-zone Pre-Action and Deluge Control Panels for single and dual hazard deluge and pre-action applications. The panels provide reliable fire detection, signaling and protection for commercial, industrial and institutional buildings requiring water-based releasing. The AUTOPULSE 542D(E) allows connection to 220/240 VAC.
The AUTOPULSE 542R(C) and 542R(E) are six-zone Agent Releasing Control Panels for single and dual hazard agent releasing applications. The panels provide reliable fire detection, signaling and protection for commercial, industrial and institutional buildings that require agent-based releasing. The AUTOPULSE 542R(E) releasing panel allows connection to 220/240 VAC.

Fike Detection and Control
Fike Cheetah XI
The Cheetah Xi is a state‐of‐the‐art true intelligent digital peer‐to‐peer modular suppression control system. It is ideal for all life safety and property protection applications, and is intended for both commercial and industrial use. It is designed with extensive programmability that allows the almost instantaneous relay of information and the ability to perform process management tasks with ease including HVAC shutdowns, Emergency Voice Evacuation, damper control, door closure, elevator recall, security, and CCTV/Building Management Awareness.
The SHP‐Pro is a microprocessor based, compact, cost‐ effective, conventional fire alarm and fire suppression releasing control panel. The panel is easily configured using configuration dip‐switches provided on the SHP‐Pro main board to operate in any of the following operating modes